I can still feel my pussy clenching from a theme-park ride of violent convulsions…

… the night my husband gave me my first taste of a world-shattering NEW kind of orgasm I’d never felt before…

Every rhythmic thrust blasted my body with brain-melting pleasure…

The walls of my vagina wrung with savage force around his shaft…

My toes contorted into pretzel-like “loop-de-loops” as lightning bolts of pleasure stung my clit and radiated throughout my whole body…

Making my breasts heave, my back arch, and my fingers grip the bed sheets, as a symphony of squeals rattled the air…

Until finally, the last supernatural sensations rippled through me…

And I collapsed into bed… sweat glistening on my skin, my pulse leaping like a ballerina…

So completely saturated with an addictive and life-affirming cocktail of love and pleasure…

It literally brings me to tears just thinking about it!

And no, it’s not because my hubby is any kind of “sexual superman”…

He’s not hung like a blue whale…

He hasn’t mastered 101 spine-twisting tantric sex moves…

He doesn’t last hours in bed every night… heck, sometimes he doesn’t even last 10 minutes!

In fact, for months before my hubby blanketed me with this cascade of reality-warping orgasms…

My Sex Life Was So Boring… 

I Made Excuses NOT To Fuck My Husband…

The one and ONLY reason for his newfound prowess is a landmark scientific discovery.

One that lets you give your woman or ANY woman…

… blistering, full-body orgasms more powerful than any g-spot, deep-spot, or clitoral climax she’s ever had in her LIFE!

Without needing overpriced sex toys, elite bedroom athletics, or the finger agility of a concert pianist to make it happen…

And look, if all this sounds “too good to be true,” I can’t say I blame you…

That’s exactly what I would have thought before I experienced it first-hand.

But, on a dime, everything changed for me… for us… and soon it will for you too…

All thanks to a powerful new “Erotic Oscillation” technique recently developed by a respected female orgasm expert.

This incredible and simple method is backed up by cutting-edge research from the University of Texas at Austin…

And it can automatically make ANY woman in the world not just multi-orgasmic… but MEGA-Orgasmic…

Capable of savoring a buffet of full-body pleasure that lasts 10s of minutes straight!

In Fact, This Body-Leveling MEGA-Orgasmic Pleasure Hasn’t Just Improved My Sex Life…

It’s Changed My World View!

You see, throughout my life I was, and in most ways, still am… a progressive, sex-positive feminist.

And while I still believe that women and men should be considered each other’s equal in a relationship…

Today, I also understand exactly what it means to be submissive, devoted, and even OBEDIENT to a man.

I can’t even believe I’m saying this… it still somehow sounds wrong…

Yet it FEELS so perfectly right and natural… I can’t even believe I ever doubted it.

And the whole reason for this complete 180 in my view of male/female dynamics…

Is Because Of This Powerful And Entirely NEW Kind Of Orgasm My Husband Gives Me…

Every Night Of The Week!

Take the best orgasm you’ve ever had in your entire life, multiply the intensity by 5 and the duration by at least 10…

And you’re still not even scratching the surface of how incredible it feels.

Any woman blessed enough to share a bed with you will quickly be engulfed by a crashing Tsunami of soul-expanding pleasure…

So delicious and satisfying she won’t be able to get enough!

She’s going to feel bonded to you on a cellular level, just the sight of you will make her heart flutter like a swarm of butterflies…

A warm, supportive, nurturing side of her will open up to you…

And perhaps most importantly, she’ll automatically begin to see you as her “Knight In Shining Armor”.

The Man She Trusts, Respects… Even WORSHIPS Both Inside The Bedroom And Out!

Now, I know these probably sound like big claims…

Especially if you’re like most men in today’s world.

Surrounded by women who are a lot more liberated than they were in your grandfather’s day…

Women who are sassy and independent, strong and empowered, and who… let’s be honest… act like they don’t NEED you!

But let me share something that most women will NEVER tell you…

Mostly because she probably doesn’t even know it herself…

She’s actually DYING to serve you!

It’s coded into her genes and no amount of social conditioning or “3rd wave feminism” can wash it away…

The one and ONLY reason she’s not submitting to you…

Eager to please you, to let you lead her, to take your rightful place at the head of your relationship in every sense of the word…

Is Simply Because Your Woman Isn’t “Orgasmically Bonded” To You On The Deepest Level…

Now, that’s not to insult your skills between the sheets…

Most men simply don’t understand EXACTLY what they need to do to build this connection...

They think they have to be good at foreplay, or dirty talk…

They believe they need some kamikaze suite of acrobatic sex moves

They assume they need a pornstar-sized John Thomas or the stamina of a juvenile bull to please a woman in bed.

But the simple truth is none of these things are necessary to make any woman EXPLODE with orgasmic pleasure.

In fact, her ability to enjoy long lasting, toe-curling, personality shifting pleasure…

Has Nothing Whatsoever To Do With The Private Organ Between Her Legs…

And Everything To Do With The Organ Beating Away Inside Her Chest!

And Everything To Do With The Organ Beating Away Inside Her Chest!

And today you’re about to discover exactly how to change a woman’s life with a level of pleasure no other man can deliver…

Simply by shifting the natural rhythms of her heart.

It might sound difficult or impossible, but with the help of a powerful new mind-body interface technology…

It couldn’t be simpler or more natural.

With this incredible new discovery, you can automatically flood her pussy with a rush of urgent desire…

You can unlock a reservoir of dormant sexual energy quietly sleeping inside of her…

And spark an almost irresistible NEED to spread her legs so she can feel you slide inside of her...

Until she EXPLODES in fits of convulsive pleasure so wild and unabandoned… you’ll wonder if she’s possessed!

The best part is, once you start giving her even a taste of this soul-leveling pleasure…

You’ll naturally and automatically inspire her adoration, respect, and even WORSHIP…

Even if you think you’ve lost your edge, you’ve gained a few pounds, or most of your hair has fallen out.

But just before we go into details of how you can have this almost unfair sexual power for yourself… I should probably introduce myself.

I’m Ashley Robinson-Scott, I’m 38-years-old, and just a few, short weeks ago…

I Almost Destroyed My Marriage…
By Inviting A Male Pornstar Into Our Marital Bed…

It’s a pretty crazy story I never thought I’d share… especially with a perfect stranger.

But I think you have to hear it because it might just save you from getting cheated on, dumped, or served with divorce papers.

See, like most couples, my husband Declan and I started off with more than enough passion…

I loved how attentive he was, how committed to my pleasure, and how he saw me as his equal in every sense of the word.

In fact, he was almost “too devoted”, which is where the problems started.

He Was So Concerned With Getting Me Off… He Became Predictable And Boring In Bed…

The eagerness was sweet at first… but eventually, it got intrusive.

“Does that feel good?”

“How’s that babe?”

“Are you close?”

He was like that over-attentive waiter who won’t let you enjoy your meal in a restaurant.

When a guy tries too hard, constantly seeks approval, or doesn’t know how to simply be present in bed…

It’s not just annoying, it creates anxiety and makes a woman LESS likely to orgasm.

So even though I never stopped loving him, his cut-and-paste bedroom moves were putting my feet to sleep… LITERALLY!

One night, I actually lost feeling from being in a position too long as Declan tried to work his magic.

You Know That Feeling Of Being Embarrassed FOR Someone?

That’s What It Was Like Having Sex With My Own Husband!

That’s What It Was Like Having Sex With My Own Husband!

And I probably don’t have to tell you that no matter how great a guy is in every other way…

If he’s not getting the job done in the bedroom, the relationship is on shaky ground.

One Friday night, I went to a dinner party hosted by one of our couple friends Savannah and Jim in Presidio Heights.

Savannah is a gorgeous ex-college cheerleader with an ageless body that’s a blend of intense exercise and artful surgery…

Jim is a private equity titan whose firm owns major stakes in some of Silicon Valley’s most successful companies.

My husband couldn’t attend because he got stuck at work…

So I decided to go on my own.

I was out on the balcony sampling hors d'oeuvres and sipping a delicious sauvignon from Jim’s own winery when a stranger caught my eye…

He wasn’t especially tall, but very well built and had a kind of swashbuckling manner about him.

He grabbed a single malt from the bar, sprawled out on the couch across from me, and lit a giant cigar.

The smoke insulted my nostrils and singed my eyes…

I was just about to ask him to snuff it out when I caught sight of something…

The outline of his navy-blue slacks molded around his manhood… that streaked down nearly to his knee!

I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing at first…

I don’t know if he caught me looking but his face was painted with a cocky smile.

Later That Night, I Discovered Who He Really Was…

I got a little drunk at dinner and wasn’t fit to drive… so Savannah let me stay the night.

After a little girl talk, she told me the story behind the dashing dinner guest.

His name was Oliver and he was an adult star and producer who owned a network of popular porn websites.

Savannah met him after Jim invested in his business…

But, their relationship wasn’t purely professional.

Savannah and Jim were “open” which means they were each allowed to enjoy other lovers…

As long as they were honest with each other about it.

Jim got access to Oliver’s network of nubile porn starlets…

And Savannah started up a torrid tryst with Oliver

“He’s not just a slab of meat… he really knows how to use it,” she said…

Her face smoothed with a look of deep satisfaction…

… like a hungry fox who just caught a frisky rabbit.

“If you want his number, just let me know… I’ll hook my girl up!”

I Have To Admit, I Was More Than A Little Tempted By Her Offer…

I even found myself sneaking off to Oliver’s website to watch him perform.

I started to imagine myself in the scenes…

… as he bent me over, spanked me, and slid his glorious gift into me one delicious inch at a time.

It made me wet just thinking about it!

I’ve never been a prude and I knew that Declan wasn’t either…

I really figured that maybe he’d entertain the idea of opening things up in our marriage.

So, that Friday night… as we enjoyed a quiet night in… I brought it up.

I Have To Admit, I Was More Than A Little Tempted By Her Offer…

I even found myself sneaking off to Oliver’s website to watch him perform.

I started to imagine myself in the scenes…

… as he bent me over, spanked me, and slid his glorious gift into me one delicious inch at a time.

It made me wet just thinking about it

I’ve never been a prude and I knew that Declan wasn’t either…

I really figured that maybe he’d entertain the idea of opening things up in our marriage.

So, that Friday night… as we enjoyed a quiet night in… I brought it up.

"Wait, You Want To Fuck Other People?!”
He Said, His Voice Wincing In Pain

I tried to frame it as a benefit to him… painting a picture of him enjoying all the tight, young flesh he could possibly handle.

But, all he could focus on was the fact that I wanted to have sex with other guys…

“Don’t be so old-fashioned babe, lots of couples do it… Savannah and Jim are into it.”

“Savannah pops pills like they’re breath mints and Jim snorts cocaine like a Colombian drug lord…

I’m not sure they’re the picture of happiness we should compare ourselves to,” Declan shot back.

“Well, at least they have a decent sex life… I mean Christ, I haven’t had an orgasm in over a year!”

The words tore into him like grenade shrapnel…

I saw a hurricane of anger and hurt swell in his eyes.

He stormed off, blasting out the front door and slamming it behind him.

I Still Shudder To Think About That Night… But I’m Also Eternally Grateful For What Happened Next…

Declan came home the next day and apologized…

And even though we made up, the problems in our relationship didn’t disappear.

I felt like we were in a perpetual funk…

We both buried ourselves in our careers and became little more than roommates for several weeks.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore!

I wanted to feel those electric tingles of lust I felt when we just met

I wanted to see him get huge and hard at the very sight of my naked flesh…

So rock-hard and pulsing he could make me orgasm just by being inside of me.

Like he did on our honeymoon.

But more than anything, I wanted to feel connected to him again…

I wanted to trust him, to look up to him, to feel like he was the rock I could lean against in troubled times.

I cared about him, and I didn’t want our marriage to go up in flames…

And it was obvious he wasn’t going to go for the whole “open marriage” thing…

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

For Weeks, I Spent Every Free Minute Looking For A Solution…

I scoured articles on online blogs… I doom scrolled through an endless roll of videos… I devoured books and articles…

A lot of it was high quality content produced by knowledgeable experts…

But they all gave some version of the same old advice I already knew.

“Make time for each other, communicate your needs, be willing to try new things.”

I’m sure you’ve heard all this before yourself… and obviously, it sounds like good advice.

But it doesn't solve the real problem that plagued my marriage…

I didn’t want soft-soap suggestions for a better relationship…

I Wanted World-Ending Orgasms So Satisfying…

I Wouldn’t Walk Right For A Week!

But, I wasn’t ready to give up… so I kept doing more research.

Next, I came across some raunchy “sex education” programs online…

Where beautiful women and men demonstrated lovemaking techniques to help couples heat things up.

Maybe this was the secret to fogging the windows in my bedroom once again?

So, I whipped out my credit card and sprung for a few of these programs.

The videos were well-produced, and all the models were drop-dead gorgeous!

But while my husband and I found it exciting to see beautiful people make love…

… the content turned out to be little more than couple-friendly porn.

All the techniques they outlined were generic and straight-forward…

… stuff Declan and I already knew and did.

I Was At Wits End… Confused, Frustrated, And Worst Of All… Desperate!

I was almost ready to throw my hands up and admit defeat…

It seemed I had just two choices - an uninspiring, unorgasmic sex life… and divorce.

But, just when things seemed darkest… I was bathed in my first ray of hope.

One sunny morning, I opened my email inbox to see a message that made me perk up and pay attention…

It read…

“Scientists Discover A New Type Of Female Orgasm”

“Scientists Discover A New Type Of Female Orgasm”

I opened it up and read a fascinating, well-researched article from a guy named Lloyd Lester.

Lloyd was a researcher, thought leader and coach who specialized in helping ordinary people enjoy incredible sex.

His work was the result of over 30,000 hours of personal research, development, and testing…

Synthesizing breakthrough discoveries from diverse scientific fields like psychology, neurology, and physiology…

… into novel and unique methods that allow ANY couple to enjoy epic levels of pleasure and passion.

At some point in my search to make the rafters shake in my marital bedroom once again…

I’d signed up to his email newsletter, but I’d gotten so busy trying other solutions…

I never took the time to read any of his advice.

Well, I guess what they say is true… when the student is ready, the master arrives.

And “master” is the perfect word to describe Lloyd and his innovative approach.

In the article, he outlined a groundbreaking study from the University of Texas at Austin…

… where scientists discovered how a metric known as Heart Rate Variability or HRV can have a profound impact on female pleasure.

When I Finished Reading…

I Felt My Jaw Slack And My Eyes Bulge From A Combination Of Shock And Excitement…

It was novel, it was unique, it exposed to me things I never knew about sex…

And when I finished reading it, I knew I’d finally found an expert who was truly worth listening to.

However, I still needed to know more details… exactly how could I apply this finding to my own love life?

Was there a simple, easy-to-implement method to take advantage of this powerful discovery?

The only way to find out was to ask Lloyd himself.

So, I decided to book a consultation call with him.

It was pricey, $200 bucks for 30 minutes… and I have to admit…

I had sweaty palms pulling out my credit card and punching in the details.

If Lloyd’s advice turned out to be just another dead end… I’d have a hefty charge to explain to my husband.

I could only imagine how that would impact our already strained love life.

Fortunately, my anxieties were quieted within a minute of talking to him.

Lloyd was knowledgeable, empathetic, and definitely understood my problems.

“What you’re going through is common for lots of couples”... he assured.

“The Good News Is, Amplifying Passion And Pleasure Is An Easy Fix

“The Good News Is, Amplifying Passion And Pleasure Is An Easy Fix

I felt my body tilt forward and my mouth go dry as I eagerly waited for Lloyd to fill in the blanks…

That’s when he shared some truly mind-blowing facts about female sexual arousal.

Now, as a guy, you already know how you respond when you get turned on…

You get a rush of blood flooding your cock making you erect and ready to penetrate your lady.

Well, when a woman gets horny, her clit swells up the same way a guy’s cock does…

And in case you’re unaware…

Her Clitoris Is MUCH Bigger Than Just The Bulging Bud At The Top Of Her Slit…

That’s just the tip of a massive and mind-blowingly orgasmic iceberg.

Hiding out just below her nub is a sprawling, Y-shaped network of pleasure neurons…

… capable of giving her a kaleidoscope of pleasure more intense and longer-lasting than 99.9% of women have ever known!

Not just the kind you give her when you fiddle, lick, or stretch her hood…

I’m talking about a new and overwhelming buffet of pleasure!

And as Lloyd shared… the ONE KEY to unlocking this mass of undiscovered pleasure capacity…

… is to control how much blood this hidden clitoral network gets.

The more blood that flows into this “sleeping giant” of orgasmic delight..

… the more back-arching, thigh-quivering, and eye-rolling her orgasms become!

In fact, there’s even a condition called Persistent Genital Arousal disorder in which women live in a state of constant arousal…

… even though they’re not mentally and emotionally in the mood for sex.

And according to research from Baylor College of Medicine…

… a circulation disorder which continuously floods a woman’s clitoral network with blood is the direct cause of this disorder. [1]

Women with this condition experience all of the physiological signs of arousal - a wet pussy, a throbbing clit, swollen labia, electric tingles of sensation…

Many Of These Women Even Spontaneously Orgasm Multiple Times Throughout The Day…

All Without ANY Dirty Talk, Foreplay, Or Direct Stimulation Whatsoever!

Lloyd even heard stories of these women becoming overwhelmed by shockwaves of pussy-clenching pleasure that lasted up to an hour!

It sounded impossible, but it filled him with a nagging curiosity…

One that made him wonder, maybe like you are now…

How can you make a woman’s vagina surge with a torrent of life-giving, orgasm-amplifying blood on your command?

Well, it all boils down to the Heart Rate Variability study that Lloyd outlined in his article.

See, it turns out that HRV is the KEY to making your lady’s bits buzz with excitement every night of the week…

And turning her into a “Mega-Orgasmic” woman capable of enjoying body-spasming climaxes that last over 40 minutes straight!

As Lloyd explained… your HRV regulates blood flow and circulation through all of your body’s tissues…

And as we’ve already discussed…

If A Woman’s Pussy Is Coursing With Blood Flow…

Her Pleasure Capability Increases Exponentially!

But the opposite is also true, if a woman can’t get enough blood moving through her mound…

You could be an absolute genius at foreplay…

You could have a tongue agile enough to tie a sailor knot…

You could have a cock big enough to make a male porn star feel inadequate…

And absolutely none of it will matter!

You can think of HRV kind of like a “control valve” for blood flow.

When HRV declines, the spigot gets shut off and blood can’t circulate to her pussy…

But when HRV goes up, well… you guessed it…

The valve goes wide open and a deluge of blood can now flow freely to plump up her clit and labia…

Making her vagina salivate with an urgent hunger for sexual stimulation.

Now, here’s where things get just a bit tricky… see, since HRV is so important for female sexual function…

You might think that you want an HRV as high as possible.

The problem is, it’s just not that simple…

If HRV is too high, it can cause a lot of other health problems…

High blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, disorientation, the list goes on and on…

That’s Why If You Want A Passionate Sex Life Bursting With White Hot Pleasure…

You Need Your Lady’s HRV To Be In The EXACT Right Range…

It’s a kind of “goldilocks zone” that maximizes blood flow to her bits… without any side effects to her overall health.

According to the HRV study, this range is between 58 and 62 beats per minute.

Lloyd even gave this HRV range a name - he called it the “Erotic Oscillation”.

Get her heart pulsing with this Erotic Oscillation, and she’ll ERUPT with world-ending pleasure on a nightly basis.

Get it wrong, and you risk her looking around for a guy who CAN get her heart drumming with this crucial erotic rhythm.

There’s just one problem… HRV is controlled by completely unconscious processes.

It’s not like you can just talk a woman into changing it.

But As Lloyd Shared, There Is ONE Simple And Proven Way To Change These Unconscious Rhythms In Your Lady’s Body…


Now, I don’t mean the kind of hypnosis you see on TV…

… where some “Svengali” waves his pocket watch in front of your face as your eyes spiral into a trance.

Ultimately, as Lloyd shared with me, hypnosis is just a different state of consciousness…

A lot like the difference between being asleep and awake… with one very important distinction…

The Right Kind Of Hypnotic Trance State Can Make Any Woman Orgasm Longer And Harder Than You Currently Think Is Possible…

Need proof?

In one published study a group of Belgian scientists showed how HRV could be altered by hypnotic states. [2]

Another hair-raising discovery by a group of Turkish scientists showed that women were especially responsive.

Demonstrating that a woman’s HRV increased after the hypnotic state faded.

They were also able to show that this boost in HRV was durable and didn’t fade with time… [3]

The science was undeniable!

So Lloyd decided to hire a clinically trained hypnotherapist to help him create a series of simple audio tracks.

A way to get any woman’s pulse pumping away with the powerful Erotic Oscillation frequency…

So She Explodes With Thigh-Shivering Pleasure 10X More Intense And Longer-Lasting Than Anything She’s Felt In Her Entire Life…

This turned into a monumental task that consumed months of his time and $1000s in development costs…

At each stage, Lloyd tested out the recordings on his own wife.

He had her listen to them as he carefully monitored her HRV both before, during, and after the hypnotic session.

Over a dozen different prototypes failed, but finally after 100s of exhausting hours of tweaking and tinkering… he finally hit paydirt!

Now, as Lloyd explained… his sex life was already pretty phenomenal.

After all, he doesn’t just teach this stuff, he LIVES it!

But the second his wife started listening to these powerful hypnotic audios…

It Was Like The Difference Between A Stick Of Dynamite And A Megaton Thermonuclear Explosion…

But of course, as Lloyd shared… he’s just one data point.

If he was going to release this new discovery to the general public…

If he was going to put over a decade of his hard-earned reputation on the line…

He had to make sure that this program could work for absolutely ANY guy.

That’s where I came in, Lloyd invited me to take part in an exclusive “Beta Test Group” to give this powerful new technology a spin.

Along with 50 other couples who were already part of Lloyd’s raving fan base…

I was given the entire audio series to test out myself.

And yes, I said “audio series” because what Lloyd created wasn’t just some generic hypnosis track.

It was a synergist sequence of professionally developed audios to help any man give any woman…

A Succession Of Mind-Altering Orgasms So Powerful And Long-Lasting…

She’ll Be Speaking In Tongues!

As soon as the audio files hit my inbox, I loaded them on my smartphone, put on a pair of headphones, and hit PLAY.

The relaxing tones and authoritative voice of the hypnotherapist filled my ear drums.

Every muscle fiber melted into the sofa, a calm comfort waved over me…

My mind soon entered into a trance, I felt a shift in my awareness as the suggestions trickled into my brain.

When the audio was finished, I was invigorated, I was refreshed, and my stress evaporated like morning dew.

Unfortunately the revitalized feeling didn’t translate to the bedroom…

Declan and I did have sex, but it was pretty average if I’m being honest.

Not terrible, but not mind blowing either.

However, I really liked the way the audios made me feel so I kept them up.

Finally, One Week After I First Started Listening…

Something Incredible Happened!

I was on the couch with Declan watching a series on Netflix… when I felt it!

It was a wave of exhilaration right in the core of my chest… lifting my pulse… and making my heart drum away.

The next thing I remember was a current of heat moving down between my legs…

It was like my vagina was bathed in a warm pool of anticipation.

Little pulses pumped into my clit as I felt my labia swell up with excitement.

I leaned over and started making out with Declan… climbing on top of his lap and rhythmically grinding against his groin.

He lifted my shirt and began to pepper my neck with kisses before pulling off my bra and teasing my nipples with his teeth and tongue.

“Ohhh Yesss… That Feels Soooo Good!”

I cooed as he continued to explore my body…

I let the palm of my hand trail down his chest, past his stomach, and towards his shaft…

His cock was so stiff, I thought it was about to leap out of his pants…

He slid my panties to the side and I felt the head of his cock slide slowly inside of me…

I was so incredibly wet I could actually hear him glide in and out.

Every nerve ending in my vagina crackled with sensation as I coasted up and down on his shaft…

He just seemed to fill me up in a way that I can’t describe… probing parts of my pussy I’d never felt before.

The sensation was unbelievable and within a few minutes…

I Felt My Thighs Clench, My Groin Tighten, And The Walls Of My Pussy Quiver Violently!

“I’m gonna CUMMMMM”… I shrieked as a cascade of prickling pleasure seized every square inch of my muff…

I felt all the tiny little muscles grip his cock like they were hanging on for dear life…

I shrieked and jittered… I writhed and churned… my legs quivered like they got jolted with 1000 volts of electricity…

Waves of what can only be described as the most awe-inspiring sexual pleasure I’ve ever felt pulsed through my body one after another after another…

Until finally, 43 minutes after the first delicious sensations took hold of me… when my body simply 
couldn’t take any more…

I collapsed onto the bed beside my loving man… so exhausted that I felt like I’d endured a grueling triathlon.

And as mind-blowing as that night was… it was just the beginning…

Today, It’s Like The Passionless Phase Of Our Marriage Never Even Happened!

Because of these magnificent audios, my husband barely has to do anything to make me EXPLODE with intense orgasms.

And I’m all too happy to return the favor…

I love to dress up in high heels and skimpy lingerie and let him own me in any and every position imaginable.

I’m excited to get on my knees and take his hot, hard manhood into my mouth…

I even delight in staring deeply into his eyes as he pumps his thick, salty spooge into my mouth and I get to swallow every last drop.

In fact, I’m getting aroused just THINKING about it!

Of course, Declan is still more than happy to give me the treatment I crave as well…

But now, he doesn’t have to ask me if I’m close or guess if he’s going to make me orgasm.

It’s a foregone conclusion that I’ll erupt with eye-rolling orgasms every single time.

And Starting As Soon As Tonight…

You Too Can Treat ANY Woman In The World To The Same Scintillating Sexual Thrills!

Remember, my husband and I were part of a “beta test” group of 50 couples who got to take these breakthrough audios for a spin.

And we weren’t the only ones RAVING about the life-altering benefits we enjoyed.

As glowing praise poured in from men and women all over the world…

Experiencing the most satisfying, intense, and long-lasting pleasure of their entire lives…

It wasn’t long before Lloyd began to realize that he really had developed something truly special.

And somewhere along the way… this stunning innovation got a name…

Because these powerful, pleasure-enhancing hypnotic tracks induce a sexual trance…

A new and novel state of arousal that forces her to convulse with a fury of intense, full-body orgasms that last up to 43 consecutive minutes!

At least, that’s the longest that I’ve measured…

Maybe your woman is capable of even more?

I’m excited for you to find out… because today you can, in the privacy of your own home…

With this 100% digitally delivered audio course.

What’s truly unique about TranceGasmsTM and what separates it from everything else out there…

Is that it DOESN’T rely on bolstering your skills or stamina in the bedroom.

You won’t need to contort your body into impossible positions that are more likely to pull a muscle than make her moan…

You don’t even need to add a single millimeter to your manhood…

With the push of a button, this powerful technology will make her heart flutter away with the Erotic Oscillation…

Forcing a deluge of hot, pumping blood into her pussy…

And making her so supernaturally aroused…

She Can’t Even Stop Herself From CLIMAXING Like A Boomerang…

Over And Over And Over Again!

TranceGasmsTM will be instantly delivered as a pair of 2 powerful hypnosis audios.

The tracks were painstakingly designed with the help of a
licensed clinical therapist…

Lloyd spent months of his life and $1000s of his own money perfecting this program and making it just right.

And today, they’re available for instant download so you can give ANY woman an amusement park of
full body orgasms unlike anything she’s ever felt…

And everything begins with:

Soul-Level Sexuality™

Making a woman orgasm so hard she practically loses consciousness is way more than just stimulating her bits…

Everything starts with connection, intimacy, and trust.

The proprietary Soul-Level Sexuality™ audio helps you sync up with ANY woman on the deepest level…

Making your hearts beat together with the same pulse… helping you read her body like a book…

So she literally FEELS the connection deep in her very bones

With this level of rapport, and intimacy you can lead her to deeper levels of trust…

Make her see you as her rock, her KING, the one man she can rely on no matter what…

So you can naturally and authoritatively ferry her to transcendent levels of pleasure she can’t even currently conceive of.

It’s the base layer of the TranceGasms series and sets the groundwork for all the fun stuff to come…

But it’s literally just the beginning!

Because the next audio is where the rubber really meets the road…

Orgasmic Oscillations™

This audio is the true heart and soul of the TranceGasmsTM series…

It’s what this program is all about.

Now that you can create deep, soul-level rapport with any 
woman on command…

You want to move on to tapping into her Erotic Oscillation so you can pulse her pussy with a torrent of blood flow.

Orgasmic Oscillations™ is your key to doing just that… all at the touch of a button!

You’ll soon be creating the exact HRV rhythms that cold, hard scientific research has proven…

… overwhelm her clit and labia with a tidal wave of Mega-orgasmic blood flow.

Say goodbye to needing 10 minutes of boring foreplay, or worrying if you can last long enough, or fretting over whether you have the magic moves to melt her loins…

The Orgasmic Oscillations™ audio takes care of all of that for you, automatically and at the touch of a button.

As an added bonus, this high-octane hypnotic audio will also help YOU enjoy more pleasure as well.

Get ready for the patented pulses to stimulate superior erections, longer and more satisfying orgasms, even faster recovery time!

So you can enjoy hours of epic, toe-curling pleasure that’s as life-changing for you as it will be for her.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it…

Remember, Lloyd’s Programs Have Revolutionized The Sex Lives Of Over 28,500 Couples From Every Liveable Continent On The Globe!

Here’s a small sample of what just a few of them have had to say about Lloyd’s programs…

And remember, this is just a teensy, tiny little fraction of the thousands of men and women who’ve enjoyed the fruit of Lloyd’s labor…

Because giving a woman TranceGasmic pleasure is about WAY more than just sex.

It’s about deepening the bond between you…

It’s about enjoying more of her softer and more feminine side…

It’s about KNOWING that you can level her with more pleasure in 10 minutes than she’s experienced in the previous 10 years!

Imagine How Much Better Life Will Be When You Have This Sexual Power In The Palm Of Your Hands…

How much better will your sex life be when you can level her with penetrating pleasure whenever you want?

Imagine your chest swelling with confidence when you feel her vagina grips your cock and her fingernails dig deep into your flesh…

… as you rock her with one world-ending orgasm after another.

How powerful and masculine will you feel when you hear her gasp as you slide inside of her…

Even if you’re far from the biggest guy she’s ever been with?

You already know that I paid $200 to get this powerful technology into my hot little hands…

Today, looking back… I’d have paid 5X that amount and been as happy as a clam.

And I know that Declan agrees!

We’re closer than we’ve ever been, we respect each other deeply, we trust each other completely.

We barely even argue anymore… and even when we do… the make-up sex is nothing short of LEGENDARY!

So yeah, $1000 is a pittance compared to the pleasure, passion, and intimacy we share.

But Incredibly, You’re Not Going To Have To Pay A Small Fraction Of What I Did To Enjoy A Lifetime Of Transcendent Pleasure…

Lloyd wants to make TranceGasmsTM accessible to any couple who currently lacks the full pleasure and passion they truly crave…

  • Couples who want to enjoy hours of eye-rolling, leg-quivering, body-shaking pleasure…
  • Couples who want a new level of intimacy and connection…
  • Couples who want to rekindle the white-hot passion of their hot-and-heavy honeymoon years…

Given that Lloyd invested weeks of his life and $1,000s of his own hard-earned money into the development of this program…

He could very easily charge $197 for it and have gobs of men lining up to pay it.

But, given his mission to help ordinary folks enjoy epic pleasure with his programs, he’s agreed to make it available for a limited time at a very special price.

Starting today, the first 150 people who take action today and say YES to a lifetime of headboard-banging sex…

Will get instant access to the 100% digitally delivered content for just…

$197   $97    $27

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $27

Now, getting something worth $200 bucks for less than 50 bucks is obviously one hell of a good deal…

But Like All Great Deals, There Is ONE Catch…

You Have To Take Action RIGHT NOW!

If you’re the kind of guy who hesitates or needs to “think about it” for a while…

This isn’t for you!

This is only for guys who know a good thing when they see it and are willing to take immediate action!

Now, no hard feelings if you’re not jumping at this…

There will definitely be a lot more than 150 guys who will.

But Lloyd doesn’t want any of those spots to go to guys who are not “heart attack serious”...

Those were his exact words!

So once those 150 guys have signed up and have access to the membership site…

Lloyd’s going to pull this offer and relist it for a price that’s closer to its true value…

Which will be at least $97 and probably more.

Still a great value… but hardly the “no brainer” deal you’ll be getting today.

Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, that number is strict!

Lloyd’s installed a special script on his site that will pull this offer once he reaches his quota.

And with how powerful the system is and how incredible the value is you’ll be getting today…

These spots will go FAST!

So look, you know this is an incredible deal or you wouldn’t have read this far.

Don’t miss out on this…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $27

And Just So You Don’t Have Any Excuses Not To Give Yourself This Gift…

Lloyd’s Going To Take All Of Your Risk On His Own Shoulders With A 60-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!

Just hit the big red button that says “Get Access Now”...

Experience how the powerful Erotic Oscillation turns your woman or any woman you want to make yours…

… into a MEGA-orgasmic, sex-crazed maniac!

A woman who BEGS you to level her with a firestorm of life-changing orgasms on a nightly basis.

A woman who simply can’t get enough!

Feel for yourself how this “rapturous heart rhythm” helps you enjoy fuller erections, blistering sensitivity, and reality-warping pleasure more awe-inspiring than anything you’ve felt in your entire life!

And only after you’ve convinced yourself that TranceGasmsTM is worth every penny you’ve paid and then some…

Make the decision to keep it!

If at ANY point in the 60 day period, you feel like it’s not worth at least 3X what you paid…

… just zip off a single email to Lloyd’s friendly, award-winning customer service team.

And you’ll get every penny back…

No questions asked!

You can even keep all the materials just for agreeing to give the system a spin.

You have NOTHING to lose and a lifetime of sizzling sex to gain!

And all you have to do to take advantage TODAY…

Is to click the button below:

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $27

Oh, and I almost forgot… in order to make your MEGA-orgasmic experience even more spectacular…

You’ll Be Getting Instant Access To 2 Very Special Gifts Just For Saying “YES!” To TranceGasms™ Today...

You’ll Be Getting Instant Access To 2 Very Special Gifts Just For Saying “YES!” To TranceGasms™ Today...

In order to expand the already MASSIVE value of this one-of-a-kind program…

You’ll also receive instant access to 2 additional breakthrough audios.

The first, is a powerful program that Lloyd’s calling...

Impulsive Pleasure™

$97 Value

You can think of Impulsive Pleasure™ like a sexual time warp…

Do you remember when making your mattress springs
squeak just happened?

When you didn’t have to “make time” for each other, or free up room in your schedule to enjoy each other’s bodies?

When you were so engulfed in the flames of white-hot desire you simply couldn’t help yourself?

Then you’re going to absolutely LOVE this very special bonus.

It naturally reinjects your sex life with the creativity, spontaneity, and impromptu passion you enjoyed when you first met.

So you both ache with an urgent need to feel each other’s naked bodies pressed together.

It’s the perfect companion to take full advantage of the labia-swelling, arousal amplifying effects of the core TranceGasms™ program…

And it’s yours 100% FREE just for saying YES today.

Next you’ll be receiving a unique and unbelievably effective companion audio Lloyd calls…

Amorous Affirmations™

$97 Value

In order to make the results of your TranceGasmsTM program even faster and more done-for-you than they already are…

Lloyd decided to include a special auto-suggestive 
“priming technology” to prepare both you and her for the massive changes to come.

These Amorous Affirmations™ help the human mind to enter into the unique altered state of consciousness more easily and naturally.

So both your waking and unconscious mind can automatically accept the new erotic reality that’s about to open up to you.

Which will make the already body-rocking results even more mythical than you can currently imagine!

This powerful companion program is worth all of $97 bucks on its own…

But it’s yours today on Lloyd’s dime, just for agreeing to take your TranceGasmsTM for a spin.

So go ahead, click the “Get Access Now” below and secure your discount and valuable bonuses today!

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $27

I Believe That In The World We’re Living In Today…

Possessing This Level Of Sexual Power Is No Longer An Option…

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, you already know that women have never been freer, more demanding, and more selective about their sex lives…

We’re reading about sex online, we’re watching daytime talk shows, and most importantly…

… we’re dishing about sex over brunch with our girlfriends!

We’re talking about YOU, about your performance, about your prowess…

Which means if you’re not giving your woman the pleasure she craves…

She’s going to know about it!

Being the most sexually powerful man you can be is no longer a “nice to have”.

The health and happiness of your relationship
DEMANDS that you give your lady all the life-affirming pleasure she desires and then some.

And you don’t want to leave something so important to the whims of fortune!

You May Not Realize It… But Right Now You’re At A Crossroads In Your Sex Life…

From this day forward, there are just two paths you could travel…

Both leading to very different lives…

The First Path:

Is familiar and comfortable but riddled with frustration and pain…

It’s the path you’re on right now…

Where you feel confused about exactly how to give your lady the pleasure and passion she desperately desires…

Where you feel like you’re fumbling around in the dark, trying 1001 different sex positions, fingering techniques, oral tactics…

Where you have to wonder if you left her satisfied, if she secretly wants more, or even worse… if she’s fantasizing about someone else!

I think if you’re willing to stare reality straight in the face, if you’re willing to be completely honest with yourself…

You know how important it is that you be the source of the thunderous pleasure she craves.

So with that in mind…

I suggest that you decide to take a different path…

The Second Path:

Say “YES!” to yourself right now...

Give your lady the gift of orgasms so awe-inspiring in intensity and duration that they change her mind, body and soul…

Give yourself the gift of looking over at her after a night of passion to see her shivering with post-coital tremors and KNOW that you’ve given her the sexual experience of her lifetime…

The pleasure that both you and her desire and deserve is all just one, short click away…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $27

With the Iron Clad 60-Day Guarantee there’s truly NO RISK…

With the Iron Clad 60-Day Guarantee there’s truly NO RISK…

So Go For It!

So Go For It!

Remember… you don’t need to say “yes” right NOW… just say “maybe.”

You’ll have 60 full days to prove to yourself that your TranceGasmsTM can deliver the goods.

Once again, my name is Ashley Robinson-Scott on behalf of Lloyd Lester and we both look forward to hearing about your success soon.

FAQs about TranceGasms

(Click on each question to view the answer)

Click on each question 

to view the answer

Are the tracks suitable for both men and women? Can my partner and I both benefit from listening to them?

The TranceGasms tracks are designed to beneficial for all individuals regardless of gender, despite some language and imagery potentially leaning towards a male experience. The core principles of heightened senses, energy awareness, and amplified pleasure are universal, applicable to everyone. The program encourages flexible use; you can listen separately to cultivate your personal sensual growth and then share those experiences with a partner, or you can listen together as a couple to strengthen your intimate connection.

The tracks offer a range of benefits, from enhancing your solo experiences to fostering a deeper connection within your relationship. For example, "Orgasmic Oscillation" helps amplify your senses and attunes you to subtle nuances of pleasure, leading to more profound solo and partnered experiences by increasing your presence and responsiveness to each other. Other tracks, like "Soul-Level Sexuality," focus on emotional intimacy, guiding you in attuning to your partner's needs, open communication, and fostering vulnerability – valuable skills for any relationship dynamic you may have.

Ultimately, TranceGasms provides you with adaptable tools and techniques for expanding your pleasure potential, improving communication, and experiencing deeper intimacy, whether you're an individual or part of a couple. Regardless of your individual desires or relationship dynamics, the tracks can be a valuable resource for your personal and shared growth.

Can I listen to the tracks alone, or do I need to listen with my partner for them to be effective?

The TranceGasms program is designed to be versatile, allowing for both solo and partnered listening experiences, each offering unique benefits and opportunities for growth.

Listening alone enables full immersion without external distractions or pressures. It allows for self-exploration, cultivating greater self-awareness, body confidence, and personal pleasure at your own pace. Solo practice can also enhance presence and attunement, preparing you to be a better partner by deepening your understanding of your own desires and responses.

Alternatively, listening with a partner can foster a profound sense of connection and mutual understanding through shared experiences of guided relaxation, sensory exploration, and intimate visualization. It creates opportunities for you to openly communicate, experiment, and co-create unique rituals and practices based on insights you've gained from the program.

If my spouse is uncomfortable listening to the audios, will it still work if I'm the only one listening?

Engaging with the TranceGasms program solo can still offer numerous benefits for personal growth and transformation, even if your spouse is not currently comfortable participating. Here are some ways you can effectively utilize the program on your own:

  • Personal erotic empowerment: Listening to the hypnotic scripts and erotic imagery can help you connect more deeply with your own sexuality, unlock new dimensions of pleasure, and expand your capacity for ecstasy and surrender. This can lead to a more confident, embodied, and self-possessed erotic presence that positively impacts all your intimate interactions.
  • Healing and shadow work: The tracks can help you gently explore and release unconscious blocks, traumas, and limiting beliefs that hinder your full erotic expression. This deep inner work can profoundly impact your relationship, even without your partner's direct involvement.
  • Erotic modeling and inspiration: As you integrate the insights and experiences from the tracks, you may naturally embody new qualities of erotic energy, presence, and play. Without directly involving your spouse, you can model these qualities in your everyday interactions, potentially sparking their curiosity and inspiration to explore the program themselves.
  • Priming for future exploration: Your solo practice can lay the groundwork for future shared exploration, should your partner become open to it. By deepening your own erotic awareness and skill set, you'll be better equipped to guide and support your partner in their journey when they feel ready.

Ultimately, the decision to use TranceGasms independently is deeply personal. Trust your instincts, honor your partner's boundaries, and remain open to the unexpected opportunities for growth that may arise. Whether exploring solo or with a partner, every step on the path of erotic awakening brings you closer to your authentic, embodied, and ecstatic truth. Continue listening, exploring, and savoring the journey at your own pace.

Can I use the techniques from the TranceGasms tracks with casual partners, or are they intended only for committed relationships?

The TranceGasms techniques can be applied to both casual encounters and committed relationships, as they focus on your cultivating presence, attunement, and sensual exploration. However, it's important to consider the emotional context when using these techniques in casual situations.

The program's emphasis on vulnerability and deep connection may be more suited to long-term partnerships. In casual encounters, opening up to such profound intimacy could feel inappropriate or emotionally overwhelming for you or your partner.

When applying TranceGasms techniques to casual situations, it's crucial to prioritize clear communication, boundaries, and explicit consent. Focusing on practices that promote sensory awareness, embodiment, and playful exploration may be more appropriate than those that evoke intense energetic merging or heart-centered connection.

Ultimately, the responsible and ethical application of these techniques, in alignment with the emotional context and individual comfort levels, is essential. As you integrate the program's principles into your own practice, you may find that your casual encounters naturally become more fulfilling, even without explicitly using the techniques, by fostering a more present, attuned, and openhearted approach to intimacy.

Can I use these tracks if I'm single?

Yes, the TranceGasms program can be highly beneficial for singles as well. The practices offered in the program can serve as a powerful foundation for cultivating a more loving, erotic, and empowered relationship with yourself, which in turn can enhance the capacity for deep intimacy with others.

The Soul-Level Sexuality track is particularly relevant for singles, as it supports you in developing profound self-love, body attunement, and erotic aliveness through guided breathwork, mindful self-touch, and sensual self-discovery practices. These solo practices provide you with a space to nurture and celebrate your own sensuality, release shame, and experience pleasure as a gateway to deeper presence and wholeness.

The insights and skills developed through solo practice can lay the groundwork for more conscious, connected, and erotically fulfilling partnerships in the future. By showing up as a more embodied, self-aware, and self-loving you, you can better attract and create relationships that honor your true desires and essence.

Even the partner-focused tracks, such as Orgasmic Oscillations, can offer valuable insights for singles seeking to deepen their capacity for intimacy and connection. Visualizing and energetically embodying the practices of synchronized breathwork, mindful touch, and erotic attunement can help cultivate the qualities and capacities desired in future relationships.

Furthermore, the Impulsive Pleasure track, which explores themes of desire, boundaries, and conscious communication, can be valuable for singles navigating the complexities of dating, attraction, and sexual expression. Gaining clarity and confidence in your own needs and desires can help discern which connections and experiences align with your authentic self.

Ultimately, the TranceGasms program is about embracing and enhancing erotic aliveness, regardless of relationship status. By committing to personal growth and pleasure even as a single, you can enhance your own life and create ripple effects of love and erotic empowerment that touch everyone you connect with.

Do I need any prior experience with hypnosis or meditation for these tracks to be effective?

The TranceGasms program is designed to be accessible and effective for individuals of all experience levels with hypnosis, meditation, or inner work. No prior knowledge or special skills are required to benefit from the tracks.

For beginners, the gentle guidance, soothing soundscapes, and carefully crafted suggestions provide a supportive entry point into these practices. By simply finding a comfortable place to listen and allowing the audio to guide them, you can easily relax and open up to new possibilities. With regular practice, your capacity for trance, visualization, and embodied presence will naturally deepen and expand, extending the benefits into your daily life and intimate encounters.

If you have prior experience in hypnosis, meditation, or mindfulness you may find that the TranceGasms program adds new dimensions to your existing toolkit. The focus on sensuality, embodiment, and intimate connection can help bring your practice into the realm of relationships and shared pleasure, potentially discovering new depths of presence, attunement, and ecstatic communion.

Regardless of the starting point, approaching the program with an open mind, willingness to explore, and commitment to personal growth is key. You should go at your own pace, honor your (and your partner’s) boundaries, and seek additional support if needed. The goal is to cultivate a deeper, more loving, and authentic relationship with yourself, your partner, and your erotic essence, rather than achieving external standards of success or mastery.

Will these tracks work if I don't believe in hypnosis?

Yes, the TranceGasms tracks can still be effective even if you’re skeptical about hypnosis. Belief and expectation can enhance the impact but are not required for positive results. Hypnosis is fundamentally a state of deep relaxation, focused attention, and heightened suggestibility that occurs naturally when listening to the audios, similar to daydreaming or becoming absorbed in a book.

Many initially doubtful people are surprised to find themselves slipping into profound relaxation when they allow themselves to listen and let go. However, strong resistance or skepticism can limit receptivity. If doubts arise, it's best to acknowledge them and gently refocus on the present moment and the audio.

The goal is to cultivate openness, curiosity and self-compassion while exploring the practices, trusting in your own unconscious wisdom and innate healing capacity. The program incorporates various tools beyond hypnosis, like breathwork, mindfulness, somatic awareness, and erotic visualization, which can provide benefits even if the hypnotic elements don't fully resonate.

Ultimately, the power lies in your personal capacity for growth and transformation. By engaging open-mindedly and self-compassionately, profound shifts can occur even amidst uncertainty. By approaching with patience, presence and a willingness to explore, you can uncover new depths of erotic aliveness and intimate possibility.

I prefer books over audio programs. Will this affect my experience with TranceGasms?

While a preference for books over audio programs is understandable, the TranceGasms program is designed specifically as a series of hypnotherapy sessions, making the audio format essential for its effectiveness.

Unlike traditional educational materials that can be easily referenced in a book format, TranceGasms works by gently reprogramming your subconscious mind through repeated listening. The audios guide you into a relaxed state where the mind is more receptive to transformative suggestions, allowing them to take root and create lasting changes in your thought patterns and behaviors.

The power of hypnotherapy lies in the process of suggestion and relaxation, which is most effectively delivered through audio format. By listening to the TranceGasms audios regularly, the positive suggestions can be more deeply absorbed into your subconscious, leading to profound shifts in intimate experiences.

While a book can be an excellent resource for consciously learning and referencing information, the TranceGasms program is designed to work on a deeper, more subconscious level. To fully engage with the process, it is recommended that you approach the audios with an open mind, setting aside dedicated time to listen in a quiet, comfortable space, perhaps with headphones.

With consistent use, the effects of the program may begin to manifest in your daily life, enhancing intimate connections and sensual experiences in ways that a book alone might not be able to achieve. Therefore, the audio format is crucial to the TranceGasms program's effectiveness and transformative potential.

How long does it typically take to start noticing changes in my intimate experiences after using the program?

The timeline for noticing changes in intimate experiences after using the TranceGasms program varies from person to person, as everyone's journey of growth and transformation is unique. Some may feel shifts occurring after just a few listening sessions, while others may take longer to fully integrate the insights and practices into their lives.

Several factors can influence how quickly noticeable changes occur, such as consistency of practice, openness and receptivity to the ideas and techniques presented, baseline level of self-awareness, and integration of the practices into your daily life and intimate interactions. Regularly engaging with the audios, approaching the practice with curiosity and willingness, being attuned to your own sensations and emotions, and actively applying the insights gained can all accelerate your process of transformation.

While some individuals may experience profound breakthroughs early on, for most, the changes tend to unfold gradually and subtly over time. This may manifest as a growing sense of ease and confidence in your body, greater capacity for presence and attunement in intimate moments, or a deeper connection with yourself and your partner. Patience and self-compassion are key, recognizing that lasting transformation is often a gradual, nonlinear journey.

As engagement with the TranceGasms program continues, intimate experiences may take on new, previously unrealized depths and dimensions. Staying committed to the practice, remaining open to the unfolding process, and celebrating each milestone along the way fosters the cultivation of ever-expanding pleasure and connection.

Are the effects of the program permanent, or will I need to keep listening to the audios to maintain the changes?

While the TranceGasms program can create immediate positive shifts in your mindset, embodiment, and intimacy, the long-term impact depends on continued engagement and integration. Initial changes can be transformative, offering you new levels of relaxation, presence, and sensual awareness. Consistent practice helps these new states become more ingrained, allowing for easier access to deeper connection and pleasure, even without the audio guidance.

However, personal growth is an ongoing journey. While the program can facilitate lasting change, it's normal to experience fluctuations in progress. Old patterns may resurface, and challenges may arise. During these times, revisiting the TranceGasms audios can be valuable for reconnecting with intentions, refining skills, and deepening embodiment. The program is designed as a lifelong resource, offering continued support and deeper meaning over time.

As you evolve as a man, you may discover new layers of meaning within the tracks. What initially served as a relaxation or pleasure-enhancing tool can evolve into a pathway for healing, self-discovery, and spiritual exploration. The program’s effectiveness ultimately relies on your commitment, curiosity, and self-compassion in integrating the practices into your life.

The goal isn't to achieve a fixed state of "permanent" change, but rather to cultivate ongoing growth and intimate awakening. TranceGasms serves as a catalyst and support, but lasting transformation requires consistent personal effort and integration into daily life. Trusting the process, staying present, and allowing for self-discovery are key to maximizing the program's benefits.

Scientific References

1. https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/sexual-function-and-dysfunction-in-women/persistent-genital-arousal-disorder

2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19776654/

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235688535_The_Effects_of_Hypnosis_on_Heart_Rate_Variability

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